How to write a research paper?

If you need to write professional research paper, this guide will help you. There are main steps for writing a best research paper.

Consultation about topic. There you can find out the requirements for the design of the work from the teacher, get acquainted with the main features and difficulties of working in the chosen direction, the criteria for evaluating research papers.

Choose a topic. Determine the problem for yourself and topic of your future paper, choose the object and subject of the research paper.

Try to put forward a hypothesis, to formulate the purpose and tasks of the paper.

Determine what methods of research papers you will use in your paper.

Consultation. Show the results of your independent work to your teacher, and if there are some difficulties, ask for help. At this consultation, you must accurately understand the nature of the scientific problem, clarify the parameters of the topic.

Together with the teacher, draw up an approximate work plan, which will determine the main areas of work and the timing of their implementation.

Pay attention to the teacher's recommendations regarding the most significant literature on the topic, as well as advice on the proposed structure of the paper.

Study of literature on the topic. Pick up literature on the topic, acquaint yourself with its content. When reading the literature, highlight the main ideas and provisions, evidence, arguments and conclusions, then focus on them.

Classify statements made when reading the sources in question, using bookmarks, mark the most significant places or make extracts. Analyze the collected material, think and make generalized conclusions.

Build a work plan. If the paper includes an experiment, pay attention to the timelines of its implementation! The experimental part of the work should logically follow from the theoretical, and the results of the practical part should be processed and brought to work in full.

Form a compact text with all the important semantic nuances and preservation of the logic of research papers thought. In the text, you should find a place for the presentation and systematization of all the materials you studied, as well as your concept.

Handover for consideration. At this stage, supervisor will check the draft version of the research paper, draw your attention to errors, shortcomings, and suggest ways of eliminating them.

Together with the teacher you will correct the theme, goals, tasks of the paper.

Do not forget to clarify the article submission guidelines of the paper: structure, design of links, applications, bibliography, text formatting.

Editing papers. Read the text and edit it. Pay attention to the presence of errors and typos, the correctness of quoting the original sources, the correctness of the design of the links, the observance of linguistic and literary norms.

Public protection. Choose a style of speech that should combine the principles of science and accessibility. The structure of the report should include the scientific substantiation of the problem, the historiography of the issue, its own concept and the conclusion.

The main points of your report have to be presented in the form of a computer presentation.