Web resources about cell biology

Cell biology is one of the most dynamically developing branches of modern science. In recent years, have been published in Russian a few good monographs and textbooks appeared until rare popular science books. However, to get acquainted with the latest achievements, but also to get access to modern educational resources easiest way on the Internet. Below are five websites that can help in getting acquainted with modern cell biology.


About the website: a Very good resource, which contains videos on many topics of biology, including cell biology. First and foremost is to pay attention to iBio education section where you can find recordings of lecture courses on some topics of cell biology and microscopy. In section iBio seminars presented performances by famous scientists, which gives an overview of how the work of leading biological laboratories in the world. Not to miss: To track the emergence of new materials, you can subscribe to the newsletter. Who to watch: the Website is useful for both Amateurs and professionals.


About the website: an Educational resource on cell biology and genetics supported by Nature Publishing Group. Although the site, according to the developers, is intended for undergraduate and graduate students, it may be interesting as an online directory for anyone interested in cell biology.

The Cell: an image library

About site: Cell biology science is mostly morphological, and therefore it is necessary not only books, and atlases. And the best Atlas is the Cell: an image library, which is supported by The American Society for Cell Biology. The site contains a huge amount of photos, videos and animations relating to a variety of cellular structures and processes.

Not to miss: the website presents mainly photos and videos obtained during routine research work, therefore, the most useful and informative may be the most nondescript of the submissions. Work with a website requires patience and attention.

Who to watch: the Website is useful for both Amateurs and professionals. In addition, the site is indispensable for students studying cell biology.

Histology guide - virtual histology laboratory

About the website: a Large number of microscopic pictures can be found on sites dedicated to one of the sections of cell biology histology. The science of tissues histology is one of the basic subjects for future doctors, so to find this kind of Internet sites will not be difficult. Select site Histology guide-virtual histology laboratory, the advantages of which are, first, the high quality of the images and, second, a large number of electron microscopic photographs. Latest and makes this site particularly useful for dealing with cellular biology.

Don't miss: All electron microscopic photographs are shown in their original form (i.e. black and white) and painted, which makes it very easy to learn to understand and interpret such images.

Who to watch: Lovers and students of cell biology and histology.


About the website: One of the most dynamic sections of cell biology is the study of stem cells. Research in this area coming with such intensity that the information tends to become obsolete with breathtaking speed. To obtain reliable and relevant information about ongoing activities in the field of the study of the properties of stem cells, as well as about their practical use is supported by the European Commission on the EuroStemCell website. The website contains many educational materials, including not only the usual in recent videos, but also comics.

Not to miss For anyone interested in the practical applications of research on stem cells, are interesting materials about ongoing clinical trials.

Who to watch: the Website is focused mainly on the fans, but some sections are of interest for professionals.
